Sunday, November 27, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I want to....

There is just so many things I want to do before next semester starts. Like, finish studying the notes and start playing the piano. I want to learn how drive with confidence. I want to finish my sketchbook. If I could, I'd like to paint a picture of every moment that I've enjoyed during this semester break. Just forget and leave all the sad moments and cherish the happy ones and move on. I want to start learning how to play the guitar. I want to take lots and lots of pictures with everyone, so that I can look back at it when miss them. I want to learn how to ride a motorcycle. I wish to bake cookies and cakes. I want to play the drums. I want see everyone I know, again. I miss them. It doesn't matter how bad things were when I last saw them. I just want to see them again because I've learnt to forgive and forget. I just want to see their smiling face again. I want to learn how to cook like a chef. I want travel the world. I want to discover new things. I want to capture the smile on everyone's face when I see them. I want to paint my room white. I want to fly. Something crazy, but I'd like to try out bungee jumping, sky diving, and racing. I want to perform with The MADS in front of a huge crowd of people including my friends. I want to form a band with my brothers. I want move to a new house. I want to start fresh and live a better life. Hahaha... Come to think of it, how could I ever achieve so many in 6 weeks? So mum said

"Akak, who ever said you had to do every thing in one semester break? Save some for the next semester break. For now, just focus on getting up early and doing some of the things that needs to be done first. Things that are staring at you right in your face. Things your capable of doing, for now...."

There was more, but it just felt a little too personal for me to write it here. Hehehe.. Anyways, what mum said was enough for me to keep my chin up during this semester break and coming. Something to look forward to. I don't have much time left. Second semester is just around the corner. So I guess I better start somewhere. So I'm currently in the process of finishing my sketchbook, meeting my friends, finding a new house and preparing myself before practicing with The MADS for our upcoming performance on the 19th. Though, I'm still learning how to cook with dad at home, not much of an improvement there. But we're turning the kitchen into a laboratory for cooking experimentation. Hahaha.. Dad have always enjoyed putting just about anything and everything into his cooking, so playing along, I'm sorta helping him with his experiments. He always said that if I ever wanted to be a good cook, don't be afraid to try just about anything. From there you can learn from your mistake and make your cooking better. Funny, how an former car engineer could teach his daughter how to cook. Hehehe..

P.s. "아빠, I think you're spending too much time in the kitchen ." Hehe ;D